How E M Foster’s 1909 vision of dystopia became our reality

In Foster’s 1909 novella, The Machine Stops, people communicate via glowing screens but live lonely, isolated lives. His dystopian world has become our reality. We wrote The Sunday Story Club as an antidote to screens.




Sharing the Magic of Running A Salon

When we, Doris and Kerry, ran our first salon, 12 women who had not met before sat in Doris’s lounge room looking at one another. We wondered if strangers would talk. Well, they do with the right questions. Not only strangers but also long term friends have been amazed to hear stories told by someone so close to them that they have never heard before.

We wanted to share the astounding experience of the salon so we wrote THE SUNDAY STORY CLUB so others can discover this magic running their own salon.






There is a hunger out there for open and honest conversations!

My co-author Doris Brett & I were overwhelmed with the enthusiasm for our book THE SUNDAY STORY CLUB (PanMac), @The Happiness Conference in Sydney on Mon. There seems to be a hunger out there for open and honest conversations. This is one theme of the book, which we wrote as an antidote to all those FAKE online personas. (Yes! Irony alert! I’m online here.)

Not only do we share stories from our salon, we also show you how to run your own salon so you can benefit from deeper connections with others.




The Twelfth Raven: A memoir of stroke, love and recovery

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maroon quote-1All sorrows can be borne if you put them into stories.

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……………………………Isak Dinesen, Author, Out of Africa quoted in The Twelfth Raven

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Sibylesque Sibyls Books
REVIEW by Kerry Cue


thetwelfthravenThe Twelfth Raven:

A memoir of stroke, love and recovery

Doris Brett

UWA Publishing (2014)

The Twelfth Raven, according to an old English rhyme, brings joy for tomorrow. Sometimes, I wish poets wrote news headlines then, instead of the ‘Syrian Bloodbath’ headline, you might read something like ‘Trickster God’s Toy with Us Again’. The Trickster God’s certainly overthrew all that defines normality in Doris Brett’s life. Firstly, Brett’s husband Martin suffered, at 59, a stroke followed by a superbug, heart valve failure and open-heart surgery. Then Brett needed a radical mastectomy.

Doris_Brett_2014_smallRead this book if you want to learn how to defend yourself against the Healthcare system. But Brett is a poet. The language is lyrical. Dreams untangle knots in reality to reveal some profound truths. Read this book, if you want to gain some insight into the inner journey of an insightful writer in a family crisis. Brett is ruthlessly honest and very generous in this regard.

A recommended read.

We, THE SIBYLS, declare Doris Brett an Honorary Sibyl for her ruthless honesty, her unflinching endurance and her ability to provide insights into life’s hardships by weaving her brand of lyrical magic.

Sibylesque Sibyl Approved Maroon




The Sibyls’ Salon

Sibyl Cake Salon FEB 2015

Thanks to all our Sibyls who came along to our FEB SALON and Celia for the Sibyl Cake. As the Salons evolve we will invite public participation.

Sibyl Kerry and Sibyl Doris

Following our honest and lively discussions in a safe, non-judgement and non-competitive forum here are a few things we learned this time.

1. Food is a language for women. We communicate through food. Some do. The rest of us dial-a-pizza

2. A strong character can step out of the cover of a novel to teach you about life. If, however, your interest in the character involves shagging them on a cold and windy Scottish moor, you may not learn much.

3. You do not get to write your own eulogy, but if you start early … you never know.

We also raised some modest funds for Sue’s Global Community work in Nepal.


The Twelfth Raven: A memoir of stroke, love and recovery

Moroon border 2

maroon quote-1All sorrows can be borne if you put them into stories.

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……………………………Isak Dinesen, Author, Out of Africa quoted in The Twelfth Raven

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Sibylesque Sibyls Books
REVIEW by Kerry Cue


thetwelfthravenThe Twelfth Raven:

A memoir of stroke, love and recovery

Doris Brett

UWA Publishing (2014)

The Twelfth Raven, according to an old English rhyme, brings joy for tomorrow. Sometimes, I wish poets wrote news headlines then, instead of the ‘Syrian Bloodbath’ headline, you might read something like ‘Trickster God’s Toy with Us Again’. The Trickster God’s certainly overthrew all that defines normality in Doris Brett’s life. Firstly, Brett’s husband Martin suffered, at 59, a stroke followed by a superbug, heart valve failure and open-heart surgery. Then Brett needed a radical mastectomy.

Doris_Brett_2014_smallRead this book if you want to learn how to defend yourself against the Healthcare system. But Brett is a poet. The language is lyrical. Dreams untangle knots in reality to reveal some profound truths. Read this book, if you want to gain some insight into the inner journey of an insightful writer in a family crisis. Brett is ruthlessly honest and very generous in this regard.

A recommended read.

We, THE SIBYLS, declare Doris Brett an Honorary Sibyl for her ruthless honesty, her unflinching endurance and her ability to provide insights into life’s hardships by weaving her brand of lyrical magic.

Sibylesque Sibyl Approved Maroon